Listen to learn more about different aspects of the churning life, including credit cards, buying groups, gift card reselling, redemptions, and more! 

Latest Episodes

Episode 37: February Recap - GH Baha Mar, Amazon Struggles, & My Take On Amex Shutdowns

We spent President's day week visiting the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar in the Bahamas, Tampa, and Orlando. While I have been putting a lot of work into Amazon, it has not bee...

Episode 36: January Recap - Taiwan, Bali, & Japan Trip Report

This episode covers a 3 week trip that we did to Taiwan, Bali, Niseko & Kyoto, as well as the usual buying group activities. Niseko Hotel:

Episode 35: "Hobby" Churning & Award Travel Basics

This is the 2nd beginner-focused episode and is about the mindset of churning as a hobby and how to get started with award travel. I also talk about some tips for Qata...

Episode 34: December & 2024 Recap - Xbox Controllers

Celebrating the first full calendar year of this podcast. Best Buy had a few more good laptop sales this month and there was an "unlimited" deal with the Xbox controll...

Episode 33: Morocco & Paris Trip Report

Starting with a layover in Vegas, we spent a week traveling around Marrakesh, Morocco and ended in Paris. This was my first time on Air France & KLM (booked with Virgi...

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